My Father Visits San Francisco (February 2004)

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My dad visits San Francisco around twice a year. These pictures are from my cousin Nancy's house, when she hosted my grandmother's ninetieth birthday party this year.

My grandmother in front of a table of food
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Birthday cake for my grandmother
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Closeup of grandmother and cake
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Nancy about to light the candle
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My grandmother in front of a table of food Birthday cake for my grandmother Closeup of grandmother and cake Nancy about to light the candle

Cake with lit candle
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Cake after my grandmother blew out the candle
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People gathering for cake cutting
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Nancy cutting the cake
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Cake with lit candle Cake after my grandmother blew out the candle People gathering for cake cutting Nancy cutting the cake

More people descending on cake
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My cousins Coral and Karen
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Another shot of Coral and Karen
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My dad's family, sans white people
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More people descending on cake My cousins Coral and Karen Another shot of Coral and Karen My dad's family, sans white people

Andrew Ho (